Do The Best.. Give the Best.. Get the Best... but, "Don't Felt Best"..

28 August 2009


Sukses Selalu Yaa...

01 August 2009

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31 July 2009

Get SMUO (Indonesian Version) 100% FREE

In this chance, I want to divide my success to you with offereds smuo freely 100% without give cash to me and 100% without victimization supplement. . couse my heart is inspired to help you all and i know to how likely cozenage. .

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30 July 2009

Samsung cellular phone, a basic phone

Samsung G600Image via Wikipedia

Cellular phones are now getting to be a necessity in this modern society. This is not how they foresee the cellular phone future some years back. Luckily, manufacturers are quick to recognize the booming cellular phone industry. Thus, they are able to answer the growing demands for this functional toy. Additionally, the introduction of various functional features for cellular phones by huge cellular phone companies makes cellular phones more a need to perform specialized tasks. Because of this, the use of a cellular phone is getting to be a requirement for business executives in going about their various tasks as they go about their business. However, not everybody needs these special functions, some only needs cellular phones for basic use like sending and receiving calls. If you do not require these high technology functions, buying a cellular phone for basic use may only be what is necessary. Some cellular phones are for basic use including Samsung cellular phones. It is more reasonable to buy basic cellular phone models if you do not need to play with your cellular phone and Samsung cellular phone may be what is the best for your.

Samsung cellular phones are generally of good design. They have wide and clear display, which is beneficial especially for sending and receiving text messages. Samsung cellular phones have good battery life compared to other cellular phone units. As already mentioned, these cellular phones are good cellular phones for basic use. Samsung cellular phones have beautiful designs; you may be pleased to choose one among the various models that will fit your need. You will not despair buying a cellular phone from Samsung if you only require the basic features; beauty of the product is thus a bonus. However, if you are looking for functional cellular phones more than the basic sending and receiving calls and text messages, Samsung cellular phone is not the one for you. People who want to play and require so many functions and features will not enjoy a the cellular phone from Samsung.

Some basic complaints encountered with Samsung cellular phone, which happens only to very few users, are choppy calls and scratchy and distorted volume generation. This only happens to very few users, and to ensure you will not experience this in a Samsung cellular phone, you may ask the recommendation of the friendly Samsung staff.

Some who endeavor to find functionality in a Samsung cellular phone give it a nickname “very good yet slightly bad phone. It is very good because the designs are superb and the battery life is good. Slightly bad because some high-tech features fail in Samsung cellular phone, precisely it is a cellular phone for basic use.

Do not expect Samsung cellular phone for other features rather than the basic ones, no picture transfer, no internet communication and some phone do not support blue tooth usage. Not a techy’s choice indeed. Some people who buy this phone feel that with the superb design, it should include additional feature and functionalities. The company is on its way to developing the phone you require, researches and product development are now on the drawing board.

For some who could not wait, buying Samsung cellular phone is still a neat choice because the designs are upbeat and beautiful. The added bonus is that the battery life is longer than other cellular phones. Enjoy the basic functions and beautiful designs with Samsung cellular phones.


Using Google Adwords to Drive Traffic to your Website

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

Highly targeted traffic is one of the most important entities in the internet universe. Any website owner or administrator recognizes the importance of driving traffic to a website. The success of any website does not rely entirely on the site itself. You may have a terrific idea for a website, offer an excellent product or service, or have an exceptionally designed site with superb content, but if you do not use the right strategies to advertise, your site would not attract the high traffic you need. Attracting targeted traffic is a task that should be taken seriously for any site to succeed or make a profit. Fortunately, there are internet-marketing tools that help the website marketer to drive traffic to his website. One of the most significant, and effective, of these tools is Google's Adwords. Adwords is one of Google's advertising services.

How does Google Adwords work? Google is the largest search engine on the web receiving over 200 million queries each day through its various services. As Google is the most popular search engine today, webmasters are keen on having their websites achieve a higher ranking in the search engine results it provides. A high ranking can mean high traffic for that website. The search engine results page is also a great venue for advertisers to promote a product or service through ads and links. Consequently, Google launched its Adwords service, as a way for businesses to advertise products and services to a targeted audience. Google Adwords can guarantee instant traffic. In this service, Google displays relevant text based ads within its search engine results page termed as "Sponsored Links". Whenever a particular keyword is searched on, these relevant links appear in a separate section giving excellent exposure to the sites listed.

How do you use Google Adwords? First, you have to open an account with the Google Adwords Service. Then, you should indicate your target language and country. This is important because you would not want your products advertised in countries where your product or service cannot be sold. Afterwards, you should now create an ad group. This involves designing the ad, selecting keywords and determining maximum cost per click that you are willing to spend and defining bid amounts. The most important step in creating a successful Adwords campaign is selecting an effective title tag that will catch the attention of your target audience. The title tag, generally a short phrase, is the most important part of your Adwords campaign so make sure that it is attractive and catchy. You should describe the website clearly and accurately. The most effective advertising conveys a clear message to the target audience. With a clear message, you will be attracting qualified leads, which can eventually convert to sale. Thus, the importance of selecting the right keywords cannot be overemphasized.

There are keyword variations you can adapt to reach more prospects. Using these varieties, misspellings and derivatives can help increase the chance of your ads being served. Broad match is targeting keywords in a loosely defined manner. Here, the ads appear based on the keywords that have been queried by other users as opposed to exact match, which calls for the keyword to match the query exactly. Meanwhile, a keyword phrase set to phrase match will only appear when the exact phrase is searched on. A negative keyword is helpful in filtering unrelated pages.

After you have decided on what title tag to use in your ad, you must now define a budget in order to maximize exposure. Google Adwords recommend a daily budget for each campaign. However, you should determine a budget that is suitable and affordable. You should also determine the maximum cost per click. Google will offer a recommended cost per click, but you do not have to stick with this. Usually, a number one position is not ideal as it can also attract unwanted traffic and useless clicks. A number two position is more preferred as it can filter useless clicks and provide traffic with a higher conversion rate.

To conclude, Google Adwords is an excellent strategy and tool in giving your site maximum exposure. Nevertheless, Google Adwords should not be your sole advertising campaign. It will definitely help you find the all-important, highly targeted traffic you need.
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Alternative Energy Development in Japan

Lego Demos Windpower

Japan is a densely populated country, and that makes the Japanese market more difficult compared with other markets. If we utilize the possibilities of near-shore installations or even offshore installations in the future, that will give us the possibility of continued use of wind energy. If we go offshore, it's more expensive because the construction of foundations is expensive. But often the wind is stronger offshore, and that can offset the higher costs. We're getting more and more competitive with our equipment. The price—if you measure it per kilowatt-hour produced—is going lower, due to the fact that turbines are getting more efficient. So we're creating increased interest in wind energy. If you compare it to other renewable energy sources, wind is by far the most competitive today. If we're able to utilize sites close to the sea or at sea with good wind machines, then the price per kilowatt-hour is competitive against other sources of energy, go the words of Svend Sigaard, who happens to be president and CEO of the world's largest wind turbine maker, Vestas wind systems out of Denmark. Vestas is heavily involved in investments of capital into helping Japan expand its wind turbine power generating capacity. It is seeking to get offshore installations put into place in a nation that it says is ready for the fruits of investment into alternative energy research and development.

The Japanese know that they cannot become subservient to the energy supply dictates of foreign nations—World War II taught them that, as the US decimated their oil supply lines and crippled their military machine. They need to produce energy of their own, and they being an isolated island nation with few natural resources that are conducive to energy production as it is defined now are very open to foreign investment and foreign development as well as the prospect of technological innovation that can make them independent. Allowing corporations such as Vestas to get the nation running on more wind-produced energy is a step in the right direction for the Japanese people.

The production of energy through what is known as microhydoelectric power plants has also been catching on in Japan. Japan has a myriad rivers and mountain streams, and these are ideally suited places for the putting up of microhydroelectric power plants, which are defined by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization as power plants run by water which have a maximum output of 100 kilowatts or less. By comparison, “minihydroelectric” power plants can put out up to 1000 kilowatts of electrical energy.

In Japan, the small-scaled mini- and micro-hydroelectric power plants have been regarded for a considerable time as being suitable for creating electricity in mountainous regions, but they have through refinement come to be regarded as excellent for Japanese cities as well. Kawasaki City Waterworks, Japan Natural Energy Company, and Tokyo Electric Power Company have all been involved in the development of small-scale hydroelectric power plants within Japanese cities.


28 July 2009

Five Simple Rules to be Happy

Glad to be on the Wine Road

Remember the five simple rules to be happy :

1. Free your heart from hated.

2. Free your mind from worries.

3. Live simply.

4. Give more.

5. Expect less.

No one can go back and make a brand new start.

Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.

Disappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit
but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.

Don't stay on the humps too long. Move on!

When you feel down because you didn't get what you want,
just sit tight and be happy,
because God is thinking of something better to give you.

When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means

There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more
or not to cry too hard.

You can't make someone love you,
all you can do is be someone who can be loved,
the rest is up to the person to realise your worth.

The measure of love is when you love without measure.
Ukuran cinta adalah saat kau mencintai tanpa batas.

In life there are very rare chances
that you'll meet the person you love and loves you in return.

So once you have it don't ever let go,
the chance might never come your way again.

It's better to lose your pride to the one you love,
than to lose the one you love because of pride.

We spend too much time looking for the right person to love
or finding fault with those we already love,
when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.

When you truly care for someone,
you don't look for faults,
you don't look for answers,
you don't look for mistakes.

you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults,
and you overlook the excuses.

Never abandon an old friend.
You will never find one who can take his place.
Jangan pernah meninggalkan rekan lama.
Kau tidak akan pernah men-dapat penggantinya.

Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

so just keep these five simple rules to be happy..

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Belajar dari Imam Ghazali

Isfahan/ Imam(Shah) Mosque

Suatu hari, Imam Al Ghozali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya. Lalu Imam Al Ghozali mengajukan 6 pertanyaan.

Pertama,"Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?".

Murid-muridnya ada yang menjawab orang tua, guru, teman,dan kerabatnya. Imam Ghozali menjelaskan semua jawaban itu benar. tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah "MATI". Sebab itu sudah janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati. (Ali Imran 185)

Pertanyaan kedua "Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid -muridnya ada yang menjawab negara Cina, bulan, matahari, dan bintang-bintang.
Lalu Imam Ghozali menjelaskan bahwa semua jawaban yang mereka berikan adalah benar. Tapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU. Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kendaraan kita, tetap kita tidak bisa kembali ke masa lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama.

Pertanyaan yang ke tiga. "Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?".

Murid-muridnya ada yang menjawah gunung, bumi,dan matahari. Semua jawaban itu benar kata Imam Ghozali. Tapi yang paling besar dari yang ada di dunia ini adalah "NAFSU" (Al
A'Raf 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu membawa kita ke neraka.

Pertanyaan ke empat adalah, "Apa yang paling berat di dunia ini?".

Ada yang menjawab baja, besi, dan gajah. Semua jawaban itu benar, kata Imam Ghozali. Tapi yang paling berat adalah "memegang AMANAH" (Al Ahzab 72). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka untuk menjadi kalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini.Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT,sehingga banyak dari manusia masuk ke neraka karena ia tidak bisa memegang amanahnya.

Pertanyaan yang ke lima adalah, "Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?".

Ada yang menjawab kapas, angin, debu, dan daun-daunan. Semua itu benar kata Imam Ghozali. Tapi yang paling ringan di dunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SHOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan kita tinggalkan sholat, gara-gara meeting kita tinggalkan sholat.

Lantas pertanyaan ke enam adalah, "Apakah yang paling tajam di dunia ini?".

Murid-muridnya menjawab dengan serentak, pedang... Benar kata Imam Ghozali. Tapi yang paling tajam adalah "LIDAH MANUSIA". Karena melalui lidah, Manusia dengan gampangnya menyakiti hati dan
melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.

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Fakta-Fakta Seputar Sperma

Sudah jadi rahasia umum jika tugas sperma adalah membuahi sel telur, namun tak banyak yang tahu di balik 'rutinitasnya' itu ada fakta lain yang perlu Anda tahu tentang sperma. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan:
Sperma bisa menyebabkan alergi
Sebuah studi yang digelar Universitas Cincinanti College of Medicine yang melibatkan beberapa responden wanita menyebutkan sperma bisa membuat kulit iritasi, panas, memerah dan menyebabkan alergi.

Sperma hasil bercinta lebih OK
Kelompok peneliti dari University of Kentucky, Lexington membandingkan kualitas air mani yang keluar saat bercinta dan saat masturbasi. Dari riset ini disebutkan sperma hasil ejalukasi hubungan intim memiliki motility (daya gerak sperma meraih indung telur) dan rangsangan yang lebih baik ketimbang sperma yang keluar saat masturbasi. Dalam hal ini foreplay juga turut berperan, karena pemanasan dengan berbagai variasi mampu meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas sperma.

Sperma butuh 'ruang' lebih luas
Semakin banyak air mani maka akan makin banyak pula sperma yang terkandung di dalamnya. Tahukah Anda, saat pria mengeluarkan 100 juta sperma per milimeter cairan maninya, anjing dan tikus justru memproduksi sebanyak 1 miliar sperma. Sepertinya kaum pria harus mengeluarkan sebanyak 0,5 Kg air mani untuk mendapatkan sperma yang dimiliki anjing dan tikus.

Sperma menyembur lebih kuat saat orgasme pertama
Dalam bukunya Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Aks, Dr. Reuben menulis alasan kenapa saat orgasme pertama pria cenderung menyemburkan sperma lebih kuat dan lebih banyak. Reuben menyebutkan hal tersebut tergantung dari jumlah air mani yang ada pada Mr. P, kantung air mani dan kelenjar prostat.

Selain juga disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, misalnya kualitas dan kuantitas rangsangan fisik yang diterima pria atau kondisi fisik dan mood si pria. Apakah sedang mabuk, lelah atau stres? Namun dari semua itu Reuben mengatakan sebenarnya otaklah yang mampu mengendalikan keadaan fisik dan mental. So, organ seks yang paling tangguh, ya Otak Anda!


20 July 2009

Trik memasang Google Translator

Google Translate...

Hmm mungkin dimata sobat sudah tidak asing lagi dengan tools satu ini. Widget yang dapat mentranslate tulisan kita atau web orang lain kedalam bahasa yang kita inginkan..!!! Dan disini ane tidak perlu menulis panjang lebar tentang fungsi dari google translate karena pasti sobat juga sudah tahu bukan..??? ^_^

Tetapi walaupun fungsinya yang terbilang sangat bagus tetapi tidak untuk dari tampilannya..!!! Mungkin dari sobat ada yang kurang puas dengan tampilan default-nya yang seperti ini...

Gadget didukung oleh Google

Jangan putus asa dulu..!!! Berikut langkah-langkah yang dapat sobat lakukan agar dapat memasang google translate dalam bentuk bendera..!!!

1. Seperti biasa sobat harus login di bloggspot
2. Tambahkan elemen halaman dengan klik tambah gadget lalu pilih HTLM/JavaScript
3. Copy pastekan kode HTML dibawah ini lalu tekan save..!!!

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Mudah bukan..???

Dan sampai saat ini google translate sudah dapat mensupport sebanyak 34 bahasa yaitu sebagai berikut:


Tetapi souce Kode diatas baru dapat mentranslate 12 bahasa saja..!!! Semoga bermanfaat.!!!! Dan keterbatasan kita dapat teratasi..!!!
Good Luck...


By John Moore

What Exactly Is ?

Mesothelioma the medical name for cancer of the lung or the abdomen lining, and is usually caused by exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a type of building material used in thermal insulation products and ceiling tiles. Asbestos usage peaked during the 1950s - 1970s, but during the late 1960s, concerns over the health consequences of asbestos exposure began to arise, thereby decreasing the amount of asbestos manufactured over the following two decades. But even though new measures where brought in to get rid of it, many schools and public buildings still contain asbestos.

Small asbestos fibers that enter the air do not evaporate and can remain suspended in the air for a long time. These fibers, when breathed into the body, are toxic. The people most at risk are :-

People working in factories that manufacture asbestos are likely to have a high exposure to asbestos and are most at risk of developing asbestosis or mesothelioma.

Family members of workers exposed to asbestos in the workplace are susceptible to exposure from asbestos dust brought home by the worker on his clothes or skin.

Those who live in the vicinity of an asbestos manufacturing plant are also at risk.

Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until between twenty and fifty years after exposure, which explains why so many new cases of this form of cancer are coming to light now. Many people who haven't been in contact with asbestos for
decades, are now showing symptoms of this dreadful desease.

As with many forms of cancer, mesothelioma can spread rapidly. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, loss of weight, and chest pains. If it is diagnosed early enough, the tumor can be surgically removed, and with chemotherapy and radiation treatment, a full recovery is often possible.

However, in more advanced cases, cure is usually not possible. In such cases, chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be used alongside other pain relief treatments, to ease the symptoms. Where cure is not possible, the average survival time is between four and eighteen months, depending on the stage of the tumor and the general health of the patient.

I was prompted to write about mesothelioma because as a child I lived near a factory which produced asbestos, and I personally know families who have suffered due to this terrible desease.

About the author:
Author John Moore ..As a child I lived near an asbestos factory, hence my decision to write this article. If you wish to use this article, please include my link.


14 July 2009

Mesothelioma - Is Cancer Hibernating in You?

By Mike Andrews
Imagine a disease that lays eggs inside your lungs. These eggs do not produce discomfort or coughing, they don't cause outbreaks or rashes or anything of the sort. In fact these eggs don't do anything except sit in your lungs and germinate for 30 to 40 years. After this time you begin to have a slight cough, a fever, maybe some cold sweats. You write it off as the flu and continue as usual until it goes away. 3 weeks later the flu is back but this time you're coughing up blood. You visit your doctor and hope he can prescribe something to kick this crazy flu. Your doctor runs a few tests and sends you home. A week later your brought into his office and he lays the devastating news on have Mesothelioma a cancer of the lungs.

This is the reality for roughly 2000 men and women residing here in the United States every year. These are people who often time have lead healthy lives. In the article, "Mesothelioma Victims - Survival Stories" Kathleen writes:

"At 42, I never thought that I would be facing a terminal illness, especially one relating to the lungs. I've never smoked and have lead a relatively healthy life. I have two beautiful daughters who will be heading to college soon - and I may not be alive to see their graduation."

The primary cause of mesothelioma cancer is linked to exposure to asbestos fibers which are breathed into the lungs or swallowed. Asbestos is a material that was used heavily for many years in hundreds of products. Asbestos was primarily used due to the fact that it is strong, resists fire and corrosion, and has very effective properties for insulation.

In modern day, asbestos has many uses such as thermal pipe and boiler insulation, floor coverings, ceiling tiles, spray-applied fire proofing and sound proofing, roofing materials and "transite" pipe and sheeting. Though major public use was discontinued in the late 70s, asbestos continues to be a material used in countries outside of the U.S., and due to the fact that we trade for many of these countries goods it is necessary that we educate ourselves as to the materials used in production of the products and items we use daily.

Many more cases of mesothelioma, due to asbestos exposure, are beginning to surface today. First, because our understanding and ability to recognize the disease has increased by leaps and bounds over the years, and second, because this particular cancer lays dormant within the carriers system for 30 to 40 years. With the widespread use of asbestos during the 20th century we are starting to see the consequences of exposure to this toxic material.

Due to the fact that asbestos was in heavy concentration in the industrial and building trades during the mid 1900s, most carriers of mesothelioma cancer are men who where working around asbestos during that time. However, mesothelioma has been reported not only in cases of direct exposure, but also indirect, such as the families of these men, as they often returned home with asbestos fibers on their clothing. Even in today's day and age where asbestos has been all but removed from our lives, it is still possible to be diagnosed with mesothelioma as cases of this cancer have been diagnosed without the presence of asbestos exposure.

It is also important to note that smokers who have been exposed to asbestos carry a far greater risk of mesothelioma. Some figures suggest as much as 3 times the percentage of a non-smoker with the same level of exposure. If you feel that you have been exposed to asbestos set an appointment with your physician to go over your chances of mesothelioma developing. The best thing a mesothelioma patient can do is to detect the presence of this disease early on, as it will increase your chances considerably.

To find out the symptoms of mesothelioma and get more information about this deadly form of respiratory cancer visit:

About the author:
Mike Andrews is a research specialist who writes informative and news worthy articles focused on providing the public with unbiased views and quality information. These articles stand to improve public relations and branding for the businesses they are associated with.

11 July 2009

What Is Mesothelioma?

By Angela Cambourn
Mesothelioma the medical name for cancer of the pleura (the lining of the lung and chest cavity) or cancer of the peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen). It is usually caused by prolonged or persistent exposure to asbestos.

Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until between twenty and fifty years after exposure, which explains why so many new cases of this form of cancer are coming to light now, even though the dangers of asbestos were realized long ago and measures taken to reduce the risk of the disease.

As with many forms of cancer, the mesothelioma tumor can spread rapidly, often infecting the opposite pleura, and continuing on to other internal organs. Symptoms include a shortness of breath, chest pains, coughing, and loss of weight.

Testing can be carried out initially by X-Ray, with a Thoric CT and open lung biopsy being used to confirm the findings of the early tests. If it is diagnosed early enough, the tumor can be surgically removed, and with follow-up chemotherapy and radiation treatment, full recovery is often possible.

However, in more advanced cases, cure is usually not possible. In such cases, chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be used alongside other pain relief treatments, to ease the symptoms. Where cure is not possible, the average survival time is between four and eighteen months, depending on the stage of the tumor and the general health of the patient.

About the author:
Angela Cambourne owns and maintains the Mesothelioma Hub, an extensive resource site.


07 July 2009

Baby Crying 101

Nurse & patient "Sea Breeze Jr." (LOC)

Communication - that's what a baby's crying is for. This sweet thing that suddenly turn into a fit of tears is just craving for your sweeter attention. All cultures in the world nod to this pattern all infants are accustomed to.

A baby cries the most during his or her first three months. Though the amount of crying steadily increase, the crying time period may vary from an hour to most of the day and this could still be considered within normal range. Like, whoah, right? Babies are also known as howling tear factories.

Some thought that a baby cries more during the afternoon accounting it to the anxiousness of the mother or the stressed mood of the father after going home from work. But the most accepted assumption now is that babies have this automatic screening ability they use to shut off all the noise that may stimulate some response from them so they could get enough rest. But in the long run, this filter weakens and totally disappears during the approximate age of six weeks. This, then, make a baby very sensitive to the external factors such as noise, movements, etc. And these generally elicit a reaction from a baby and how best could he or she respond but only through crying.

There are many reasons why a baby succumbs to crying. Deciphering these reasons is the major feat a parent must surmount. Here are some of the things your sweetsome baby is making you understand through crying.

Hunger. Yes, your attention-hungry baby is craving to let you know that his tummy is grumbling. This is the most common reason for a baby to cry, especially, during his early months. The pattern of the hunger howl could be characterized as being persistent, demanding and almost rhythmical. But that rhythm is not at any rate close to becoming musical, of course.

Boredom. What can I say? Aren't these babies just plain spoiled? Crying because of boredom, errr, I'd find that a bit more twisted or weird if it's with an adult that is. But babies are really built like this. Crying is their way of telling you, "Hey get me a life here!" Aside from attention and food, consequently, babies need a lot of stimulation. And when they don't get this, there you get your waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! The trick is to pick the baby up and play with him. This move may be frowned upon by some because of its amounting to spoiling the baby. But it is important to know that stimulation is also one of the major necessities of an infant and it won't hurt to provide him with some while in his growing age. This boredom cry is said to be also rhythmical and full of sobs and moans.

Discomfort. Pain is another precursor of the baby's crying. Who won't cry when in pain, right? Babies are not Major Paynes to endure the most excruciating discomfort they could undergo. They are little, vulnerable beings that need to be attended to when injured or when in an inconvenient situation. This cry could be more persistent, louder and more demanding. Shrieking and screaming, those are words that better describe the crying pattern roused by pain.

Another cause may be disturbance; surely, howling will proceed just when they're about to sleep or are already fast asleep and suddenly gets surprised by some noise, or movement. An illness that causes discomfort to a baby may also be the reason for a baby's bursting into fit of tears.


03 July 2009

What You Need to Know about a Mesothelioma Law Suit, Mesothelioma Law and a Mesothelioma Law Firm

By Peter Lenkefi

There is some important information you should be aware of if you are considering pursuing a Mesothelioma Law Suit. Prior to pursuing a Mesothelioma Law Suit you should seek advice from a reputable Mesothelioma Law Firm and gain an understanding of Mesothelioma Law.

A Mesothelioma Law suit can be costly, but it can also provide you with adequate compensation that will help cover your legal, medical and ongoing expenses, related to your Mesothelioma Cancer.

Previously, there have been cases in which the Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers have received thousands of dollars in compensation for their diagnosis of Mesothelioma Cancer, due to exposure to an Asbestos related substance.

Currently, Mesothelioma Law is favorable towards Mesothelioma Cancer sufferers, who have been exposed to an Asbestos related substance through their work environment and companies are required to compensate their present, or previous employees for non-disclosure of the risks involved with handling an Asbestos related substance.

Mesothelioma Law works on the premise that this exposure to an asbestos related substance without prior knowledge has lead to the injury, or sometimes death of the Mesothelioma sufferer.

In almost all cases, whether indicated as injury, or death, the sufferer of Mesothelioma Cancer has had their life span considerable shortened, due to this exposure to an asbestos related substance.

Due to the legal processes of conducting a Mesothelioma Law suit, anyone who has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer and suspect, or know, that they were exposed to an asbestos related substance in the past, during their working life, should seek legal advice immediately.

Beginning your Mesothelioma Law suit early will ensure that you acquire adequate compensation in time to help with your medical expenses and ongoing support and treatment.

In order to begin a Mesothelioma Law suit you will need to find an experienced Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, that can usually be found at a reputable Mesothelioma Law Firm.

It is important that you disclose all information surrounding your Mesothelioma Cancer, including your diagnosis and prognosis, to your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, as this will help them to form a solid Mesothelioma Law suit for your case.

You should also try to provide your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer with details pertaining to the period in which your exposure occurred, who you where working for at the time and any details regarding whether you had prior knowledge of your exposure.

All information surrounding your Mesothelioma Cancer is important and will ensure that your Mesothelioma Attorney, or Lawyer, will be successful in your Mesothelioma Law suit. So, if you, or someone you know, have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma Cancer, seek appropriate legal advice.

About the author:
Learn more about mesothelioma treatment and asbestos litigation go here:


01 July 2009

Free Download (eBook for Islamic Teaching)

Alam Semesta

Islamisasi Ilmu

Arti Dakwah

Arti dan Fungsi Tauhid

29 June 2009

Download Gratis (Islamic Insight)

Tutorial Belajar Bahasa Arab

Quote Kumpulan Hadits

Artikel Al-Qur'an (Klasik)

Artikel Al-Qur'an (Kontemporer)

Keyboard Arabic

Tabel Penghitung Zakat

Terjemahan Praktis (Bahasa Arab-Indonesia)

The Noble Qur'an

wait for the next post yeeee.....

27 June 2009

What is night vision

By Joe Andrea Gooden
When you think of night vision the first thing that comes to mind is most likely a cool thing that you see in spy movies or something that the army uses on their top secret missions. The catch is that night vision technology is not all that high tech or just available to the operations of the government or in the dream of Hollywood.

Night vision works by collecting the small amounts of light that are still available even in the darkest of rooms there is always some kind of light available which night vision equipment takes and enhances giving some more ability to see everything in the room. The scientific wording of night vision is taking light on lowest end of the light spectrum and enhances those light particles to take them into the higher end of the light spectrum making them more visible to the human eye to use them to illuminate the room or surrounding area.

The high end light particles then allow the user to use thermal imaging which uses the heat generated by the body or other things that generate heat. All of the low spectrum light and the light from heat combine to allow the night vision products to work. Night vision has many uses and if you are in the market for night vision goggles, or thermal night vision goggles, there are plenty of options available on to meet your night vision needs or any other surveillance product you may need.

© 2005 Copyright This article is about: Vehicle Tracking

About the author:
To learn more about Spy and Surveillance Products visit Read other related articles at

20 June 2009

Three Building Blocks of Leadership

By Kenneth Strong
It’s not enough to declare that your selected candidate for promotion to supervisor is now a “leader.” You must provide him or her with three essential building blocks. And by the way, if you are the one being asked to take on the additional responsibility of leadership you should insist on having the same three building blocks:


After this time I surpassed all others in authority, but I had no more power than the others who were also my colleagues in office.
- Augustus Caesar

Authority includes the personnel, money and materials that go beyond the title supervisor or manager. Your authority includes the sole determination of how the above assets are utilized or expended conducting the business of your department, section, area of responsibility or company. Your staff must be absolutely certain that you are in charge and your decisions won’t be reversed by your supervisor, within reason, baring anything unlawful or immoral.

If you aren’t given the decision making authority, don’t take the job. Having the authority to complete a job is very satisfying. Remember that your authority also means taking responsibility when things go wrong.

You are given the authority to perform your duties and responsibilities because of your supervisor’s confidence and trust in your abilities.


While an open mind is priceless, it is priceless only when its owner has the courage to make a final decision that closes the mind for action after the process of viewing all sides of the question has been completed. Failure to make a decision after due consideration of all the facts will quickly brand a man as unfit for a position of responsibility. Not all of your decisions will be correct. None of us is perfect. But if you get into the habit of making decisions, experience will develop your judgment to a point where more and more of your decisions will be right. After all, it is better to be right 51% of the time and get something done, than it is to get nothing done because you fear to reach a decision.
- H. W. Andrews

This is the lonely part of leadership; every decision you make you make alone. While you want to have input from staff members and others as may be necessary but you will evaluate all the data and advice and ultimately make the decision alone. Leaders are responsible for making the hard decisions no one else wants to make or can make. Once you implement your decision everyone suddenly knows the correct answer. You have now opened yourself to criticism from every possible direction. You may even begin to second guess yourself-don’t. The decision you made was based on available information and in the best interests of the organization.

You always have the option of adjusting the decision as its consequences develop. As a leader you make decisions knowing that they may be wrong but you take that risk where others won’t. You and you alone have the responsibility for making the decision. So make your decision with confidence and above all, trust yourself.


The major way of doing anything with one's self is to own one's self. This means to take full responsibility and accountability for whatever I am doing at any moment, with anybody. It means, among other things, that I get rid of all the extra fingers that I point at people and situations to explain my behavior. When a person says "He made me mad" that is not accurate. It is "I made me mad." When I permit myself the luxury of taking that full responsibility, then I'm on first base, at least, because then I can do something about it.
- W. W. Broadbent, MD, PhD

Accountability simply put means you own it. The military teaches this concept better that any organization I know. It works like this. You are assigned a task; there are two possible outcomes, you succeed or fail. If you succeed, congratulations and move on. If you fail there is no excuse for failing, you just didn’t get it done. This short conversation sounds like this; Yes, Sir, No, Sir and No Excuse, Sir. The young leader learns very quickly that he or she is totally accountable for everything his or her unit does or fails to do.
I guarantee you will only make an excuse once.

Your reputation as a leader will be determined by how accountable you are in your daily business practices. By holding yourself accountable for all your actions and those of your department you will be way ahead of your contemporaries. It is an easy way to get noticed in a positive way.

Accountability is not just for the big stuff; it also important for the casual daily things. For example: You tell a colleague that you can’t meet with him at the moment but will call him in an hour. Make sure you call him in an hour. Or you are scheduled to attend a meeting at 10:00 AM. Show up at 9:55 AM not 10:05 AM.

Feel free to use this article, in your publications, in its entirety provided you include the following notice:
© Copyright 2004, Lighthouse CCUNIV Publications, Ltd., Lakeville, Massachusetts, USA (except as otherwise indicated). Lighthouse Continuing Care University is a servicemark Lighthouse CCUNIV Publications, Ltd.

About the author:
Kenneth E. Strong, Jr., MS, is President and founder of Lighthouse CCUNIV Publication, Ltd., www.ccunivpub.comHe is the founder of Lighthouse Continuing Care University http://www.ccuniv.orga web based community devoted to educating, supporting and developing, supervisors, managers, line staff and trustees of Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Skilled Nursing Facilities and CCUNIV’s “You’re Making A Difference Program.” http://www.ccunivradio.comEach week he’ll introduce guests who walk the talk and talk the talk, sharing their experience and insights about how they’re making a positive difference in the lives of people they serve. He publishes a monthly newsletter “How To Find A Great Nursing Home”
Mr. Strong has been a Health Care executive for 30 years. Mr. Strong received a Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration from Providence College and a Master of Science in Health Care Administration from Salve Regina College He has had articles published by the American Geriatric Society and has spoken on a variety of topics for the American College of Health Care Administrators and the New England Not-for-Profit Providers Conferences. Mr. Strong has also served as Adjunct Professor at Stonehill College. He is also an evaluator for the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission and a certified Retirement Housing Professional. He is certified by Walden University as an online instructor and certified by Langevin Learning Services as an Instructional Designer/Developer and Master trainer.

15 June 2009

Trusting Your Gut: How to Lead Using Your Instincts

By Susan Young
We were all born with natural instinct. We cried when we were hungry - not because we were taught to, but because it was our instinctive response to our physical need. Emotion calls on instinct too. The “flight or fight” response to fear is one most of us have experienced and, with the adrenaline pounding through us, we know the reaction was not the result of a calculated decision-making process.

Our natural instinct is used most in sports, drama, music and other non-academic activities. It tends to be suppressed as we mature. Instinct, or intuition, remains in us as adults, but is usually underdeveloped and under-recognized. You’ve surely had the experience of meeting someone new in both personal and professional situations - and having a “gut feeling” about them. Or of walking into a room and sensing the “vibes” – good or bad. This is your instinct piping up, giving you a chance to “trust your gut” and “listen to the vibes.”

Instinct is insight based not on reason, but on awareness. When we allow it back into our consciousness, we can become more effective in many areas of life, including our role as a leader. Allowing it back calls for a heightened sense of openness to our self and others.

Openness to our self
To draw instinct into play is to increase our self-awareness. Suppression of feelings is an impediment in this quest. Your first step must be to abandon any reluctance in recognizing your feelings. Rather, embrace them, learn about them, and experiment at living with and by them.

This first step can be difficult as many people are unfamiliar with this part of themselves. Acknowledging and identifying your feelings is at least half of this ongoing process.

Check yourself throughout the day, in any and all settings, by asking yourself, “What am I feeling now? How am I reacting to this person? To this situation?” Some answers will be positive: you may feel joyful, generous, or creative. These are usually the easiest ones to admit. Others are not - you may feel angry, worried, or depressed. While these are harder to acknowledge, they are equally valuable in your effort to gain access to your instinctive self.

Openness to others
To effectively apply your instinct in your interactions with others, you should be aware of their feelings, motivations, and sensibilities as well as your own. To do this, you need to be a good listener, an invaluable and underemployed skill fundamental to effective leadership.
Being able to listen well means paying close attention not just to words, but to the nonverbal communication that accompanies them – it often speaks more loudly than the words themselves.

Listening well help you to become more aware of others people’s feelings and how they influence their actions. This is called empathy. In his insightful book, “A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age,” Daniel H. Pink writes, “Empathy is the ability to imagine yourself in someone else’s position and to intuit what that person is feeling. . . . It is something we do pretty much spontaneously, an act of instinct rather than the product of deliberation. . . . It is feeling with someone else, sensing what it would be like to be that person.”

This happens when a parent is engaged with his/her child’s development and growth. Watching your 8-year-old perform a play on the ball field is often an empathetic experience. You “know” the feelings that accompany his earnest reach for the ball as you watch the progress of the play.

Instinct in leadership
Using your instinct in your role as leader means developing a keen awareness of your staff, colleagues, and clients as individuals, and recognizing that not only is each person different, but they are different from you. It means understanding what they go through on a day-to-day basis and yields insight into their strengths and weaknesses. Using your instinct, you are able to walk into a meeting and be aware of how others are feeling and reacting around you.

An effective leader blends strong leadership skills with this empathetic awareness, guiding others to meet challenges and opportunities for their own benefit and the benefit of the organization. When such a leader takes the time and effort to know all employees personally on this level, the results in employee morale, empowerment, performance, and retention are excellent.

Gary Klein, well known for research into decision-making, discusses intuition as a learnable skill. In his book, “The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work,” he states that “90 percent of critical decisions are based on our intuition.”

Your staff and colleagues define you as a leader by what they see you do. Your actions are based on your decisions and your decisions can be influenced favorably by your instinct. As a good leader, you can use instinct in making decisions that align your personal and organizational values and lead to your desired outcomes.

“He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened.”
-- Tao Te Ching

About the author:
Mark A. Paul is a Regional Director for Paradigm Associates, LLC, an executive leadership development firm. Paradigm Associates, LLC helps organizations improve their business results by providing the processes, information and structure necessary to increase their competitiveness. By combining eastern and western philosophies, Paul helps clients exceed in their professional and personal growth. Clients include small groups focused on skills and attitude development issues. A former founder and CEO of his own MRPII consulting company, Paul offers well-developed team building and training skills to help managers, supervisors, and leaders at all levels move into new roles and processes to achieve desired results. Visit www.ParadigmAssociates.USor call (845) 268-0357.